[:fr][:fr]Ce site est l’entière propriété de la société Paradis Des Savons. Toute reproduction, même partielle, de ce site est strictement interdite.
L’ensemble des opérations commerciales effectuées par la société PARADIS DES SAVONS est soumis aux présentes Conditions Générales de Vente (CGV). Sauf preuve contraire, les données enregistrées par la société constituent la preuve de l’ensemble des transactions.
1-1 Les présentes conditions sont conclues
Entre, d’une part, la société PARADIS DES SAVONS, inscrite au : Registre du Commerce du Havre R.C.S. Le Havre N° 750 264 806 –Code APE 4791A
Siret : 750264806 00019
Siège social : 1, Côte de Rogerville – 76700 Rogerville, France
Ci-après dénommée « PARADIS DES SAVONS »
Et, d’autre part, les personnes souhaitant effectuer un achat via le site Internet de PARADIS DES SAVONS http://www.paradis-des-savons.com ci-après dénommées “CLIENT”.
Les parties conviennent que les présentes conditions de vente, disponibles au jour de l’achat régissent exclusivement leur relation. Si une condition venait à faire défaut, elle serait considérée être régie par les usages en vigueur dans le secteur de la Vente à Distance.
1-2 Acceptation
Pour commander sur notre site, il convient de devenir CLIENT et d’accepter les Conditions Générales de Vente ici présentes. Devenir CLIENT permet d’accéder à votre compte et de pouvoir suivre vos commandes. Nous nous réservons le droit de refuser un candidat qui souhaite devenir CLIENT, sur juste motif, sans notification à n’importe quel moment. Nous nous réservons également le droit de supprimer le compte d’un CLIENT sans motif ni notification à n’importe quel moment. Un tel cas est souvent relatif à un comportement frauduleux ou inconvenable.
Quand vous cliquez sur le bouton Valider après le processus de contrôle de votre commande, vous déclarez accepter celle-ci ainsi que l’intégralité des présentes Conditions Générales de Vente pleinement et sans réserve.
Les données enregistrées par PARADIS DES SAVONS constituent la preuve de l’ensemble des transactions passées entre PARADIS DES SAVONS et ses CLIENTS. Le contrat est archivé sous forme informatique. Les données enregistrées par le système de paiement sécurisé constituent la preuve des transactions financières.
1-3 Objet
Les présentes Conditions Générales de Vente établissent les conditions contractuelles exclusivement applicables à toute commande effectuée sur le Site Web http://www.paradis-des-savons.com , par tout CLIENT. Elles visent à définir les modalités de vente entre PARADIS DES SAVONS et CLIENT, de la passation de commande aux services après-vente, en passant par le paiement et la livraison.
Ces conditions concernent à titre exclusif les personnes physiques non commerçantes.
1-4 Modification des Conditions Générales de Vente
Paradis Des Savons se réserve la faculté de modifier les présentes Conditions Générales de Vente à tout moment. Les Conditions Générales de Vente applicables sont celles en vigueur à la date de la commande passée par le Client.
Sur site internet : www.paradis-des-savons.com
Par téléphone : depuis la France 09 83 34 09 46 et depuis l’étranger +33 (0) 9 83 34 09 46
Par courrier : 1, Côte de Rogerville 76700 Rogerville, France
2-1 Principes généraux de commandes
Client a la possibilité de passer sa commande en ligne à partir du catalogue disponible sur le Site Web www.paradis-des-savons.com . La commande ne peut être enregistrée sur le site que si le CLIENT s’est clairement identifié par l’entrée de son e-mail (login) et de son mot de passe qui lui sont strictement personnels. Tout utilisateur du site non titulaire d’un login devra suivre une procédure d’inscription lui permettant d’obtenir son login de CLIENT. Le CLIENT a la possibilité de modifier son panier avant la validation finale, cette dernière étape formalisant le contrat de vente entre PARADIS DES SAVONS et le CLIENT.
Le CLIENT commande les Produits proposées sur le Site www.paradis-des-savons.com selon la procédure suivante :
Le CLIENT crée un compte Client sur le Site www.paradis-des-savons.com en renseignant notamment, avec exactitude, son nom, ses coordonnées téléphoniques et postales, son adresse électronique, sa date de naissance. L’inscription est nécessaire et obligatoire pour passer une Commande. Le CLIENT est tenu responsable quant à l’usage de son mot de passe. Il en assure sa conservation ainsi que sa confidentialité. A la création de son compte, le CLIENT pourra autoriser PARADIS DES SAVONS à lui envoyer par mail les invitations aux ventes ainsi que les communiqués de l’Equipe PARADIS DES SAVONS.
Le CLIENT prend connaissance des produits proposés, accompagnés de leur descriptif, ainsi que des Conditions Générales de Vente sur le site www.paradis-des-savons.com .
Le CLIENT choisit le Produit, clique sur « Acheter ». En procédant à sa Commande le CLIENT confirme avoir lu et accepté les présentes Conditions Générales de Vente. Le CLIENT est informé et accepte que la saisie les identifiants pour accéder à son compte client (adresse email et mot de passe) vaille preuve de son identité et confirme son consentement.
Le CLIENT procède au paiement des Produits via une interface sécurisée et cryptée.
La validation de la Commande par le CLIENT emporte adhésion et acceptation, sous réserve de l’application des dispositions légales en vigueur applicables en matière de Vente à Distance lesquelles sont accessibles à tout moment sur le site web www.paradis-des-savons.com et prévaudront sur tout autre document. PARADIS DES SAVONS réserve le pouvoir de modifier ces conditions générales à tout moment. Dans ce cas, les conditions applicables seront celles en vigueur à la date de la commande du CLIENT. Dans certains cas, notamment défaut de paiement, adresse erronée ou autre problème sur le compte de CLIENT, PARADIS DES SAVONS se réserve le droit de bloquer la Commande de CLIENT jusqu’à la résolution du problème.
2-2 Prix
Les prix sont indiqués en euros, ils peuvent tenir compte d’éventuelles réductions ainsi que de la TVA applicable au jour de la commande. Les prix indiqués ne tiennent pas compte des frais de livraison qui seront facturés en sus et seront précisés à CLIENT lors de la validation définitive de sa Commande.
Le montant dû par CLIENT est indiqué avant la validation de la Commande par CLIENT ainsi que sur la confirmation de Commande transmise par e-mail par PARADIS DES SAVONS à client.
PARADIS DES SAVONS se réserve le droit de modifier ses prix à tout moment toutefois les produits seront facturés sur la base des tarifs en vigueur au moment de l’enregistrement des Commandes, sous réserve de disponibilité. Les Produits demeurent la propriété de PARADIS DES SAVONS jusqu’au complet encaissement du prix par PARADIS DES SAVONS.
2-3 Produits
Les Produits définis sur notre site web : www.paradis-des-savons.com sont proposés dans la limite des stocks disponibles. A défaut de disponibilité du Produit, PARADIS DES SAVONS s’engage à en informer le CLIENT.
Dans l’hypothèse où le Produit serait indisponible jusqu’à la fin du délai de validité de la Commande, PARADIS DES SAVONS aura la possibilité, sans que cette possibilité ne soit une obligation, de proposer au CLIENT un Produit similaire à des conditions et un prix similaire. Les CLIENTS peuvent refuser cette offre de replacement si elle existe, sans préjudice aucun.
2-4 Modification de la Commande
Sous réserve des règles applicables en matière de Vente à Distance, les Commandes étant définitives et irrévocables, toute demande de modification faite par le CLIENT est soumise à l’acceptation de PARADIS DES SAVONS. PARADIS DES SAVONS se réserve le droit d’annuler ou de refuser toute Commande d’un CLIENT avec lequel il existerait un litige relatif au paiement d’une Commande antérieure.
2-5 Validité de la Commande
La validation de la commande d’un Produit proposé sur le site www.paradis-des-savons.com implique l’acceptation expresse de votre part des présentes Conditions Générales de Vente, sans que cette acceptation nécessite votre signature manuscrite.
PARADIS DES SAVONS se réserve le droit de refuser toute commande dès lors qu’il juge la commande frauduleuse pour des motifs légitimes ainsi que dans le cas où les quantités commandées sont anormalement élevées par rapport aux quantités habituellement commandées par les CLIENTS en qualité de consommateurs.
2-6 Droit de Rétractation
Dans les conditions prévues par l’article L.121-20 (Modifié par Loi n°2005-841 du 26 juillet 2005 – art. 3 JORF 27 juillet 2005) du code de la consommation, le CLIENT dispose d’un délai de rétractation de 7 (sept) jours ouvrables à compter de la date de livraison et être remboursé intégralement, à l’exception des Produits portant une mention contraire, par exemple les articles ayant fait l’objet d’une personnalisation sur demande du client. Les Produits doivent être non utilisés et réemballés dans les emballages d’origine, ils peuvent faire l’objet d’un échange ou d’un remboursement, lequel est effectué au retour des Produits à nos entrepôts. Tout exercice du droit de rétractation devra être signalé au préalable auprès du Service Clients au 1, Côte de Rogerville, 76700 Rogerville ou Contactez-nous.
Toute réclamation doit être adressée au Service Client de PARADIS DES SAVONS à l’adresse suivante : contact@paradis-des-savons.com ou par courrier au 1, Côte de Rogerville 76700 Rogerville, France qui tentera de répondre dans les 48 heures ouvrées à toute demande faite par courriel.
3-1 Le prix
Les frais d’expédition de la Commande du CLIENT lui seront indiqués avant la validation définitive de celle-ci. Tous les Produits sont emballés avec le plus grand soin. Les frais de port sont automatiquement calculés en fonction du poids de vos articles et de votre adresse de livraison. Le matériel d’emballage (cartons, papiers de soie et le reste) n’est pas facturé au Client non plus. En outre, une fois la Commande validée, les prix et les frais resteront accessibles dans la rubrique «Mon Compte». Frais de port offert à partir de 59€ d’achat en France Métropolitaine.
Cadeau de bienvenue pour toute première commande.
3-2 Délais de livraison
La société PARADIS DES SAVONS s’engage à faire les meilleurs efforts pour envoyer les Produits dans les délais indiqués lors de la confirmation de Commande. Toutefois, le CLIENT peut résilier la vente, par lettre recommandée avec accusé de réception, en cas de dépassement de la date de livraison excédant 30 jours et non imputable à un cas de force majeure. Article L121-20-3 (Modifié par Ordonnance n°2005-648 du 6 juin 2005 – art. 1 JORF 7 juin 2005 en vigueur le 1er décembre 2005)
Les délais de livraison sont indiqués aussi exactement que possible, mais sont fonctions des possibilités d’approvisionnement et de transport du vendeur.
La vente est considérée comme résiliée à la réception par la société de la lettre recommandée avec accusé de réception par laquelle le client l’informe de sa décision, sous réserve que la livraison ne soit pas intervenue entre temps. Le client doit exercer ce droit dans un délai de 60 jours ouvrés à compter de la date de livraison initialement prévue. Sont notamment considérés comme cas de force majeure nous déchargeant de notre obligation de livrer : la guerre, les grèves, l’émeute, la retenue en douane au-delà de 14 jours, l’incendie, les accidents. Nous tiendrons le CLIENT informé, en temps opportun, des cas et évènements de force majeure.
Colissimo 48H / Lettre avec un suivie dédiée à l’envoi de petits objets.
Assuré par la Poste, le service Colissimo 48H / Lettre Suivi sont disponibles pour les Commandes passées par le site Internet de PARADIS DES SAVONS à condition de la livraison se fera obligatoirement à une adresse mentionné exacte.
Le délai de livraison est pris en compte à partir de la remise de votre colis à La Poste.
3-3 Transfert des risques
Nonobstant l’application de l’article 9 « réserve de propriété » et/ou les modalités d’expédition des produits, les Produits voyagent aux risques et périls du CLIENT qui supporte à compter du départ de nos entrepôts l’ensemble des risques afférant aux Produits, à la garde et à la conservation desquels il devra apporter tous ses soins.
En cas de dommage pendant le transport, les réserves d’usages doivent être formulées au transporteur, et une lettre recommandée avec accusé de réception doit être adressée au PARADIS DES SAVONS au 1, Côte de Rogerville, 76700 Rogerville, France, dans un délai de 72 heures à compter de la réception des Produits. Sans ce constat, nous ne procédons à aucun échange.
Tous les Produits sont soumis à une garantie légale de conformité Article L221-1 (Modifié par Ordonnance n° 2008-810 du 22 août 2008 – art. 1) et une garantie contre les vices cachés (articles 1641 et suivants du Code civil) lui permettant de renvoyer les articles livrés défectueux.
Sauf en cas de garantie légale, toute opération intervenant entre PARADIS DES SAVONS et les CLIENTS, non contestée dans les 60 jours, ne peut donner lieu à une réclamation.
Pour être enregistrée, la Commande doit être réglée dans son intégralité. Les Commandes non réglées ne sont pas livrées.
Lorsque CLIENT paie avec une carte à débit immédiat, le compte bancaire de CLIENT est débité dans les 2 à 5 jours suivant la passation de la Commande. Ce délai varie en fonction des organismes bancaires. Le règlement de vos achats s’effectue par carte bancaire, par chèque bancaire à l’ordre d’EURL Paradis Des Savons, par Paypal ou par virement. Le CLIENT garantit qu’il est pleinement habilité à utiliser la carte de paiement ou son compte PayPal ou son chèque bancaire pour le paiement de sa Commande et que ces moyens de paiement donnent accès à des fonds suffisants pour couvrir tous les coûts résultant de l’utilisation des services de PARADIS DES SAVONS. Conformément à la réglementation en vigueur et pour assurer la sécurité et la confidentialité de leurs informations, paradisdessavons.com ne mémorise pas les détails bancaires de ses CLIENTS.
Il appartient ainsi, au CLIENT d’enregistrer et d’imprimer son certificat de paiement s’il souhaite conserver ses détails bancaires et relatives à sa transaction.
Après avoir confirmé le contenu de sa Commande, le CLIENT la validera définitivement par le paiement. La Commande ne sera définitive qu’à compter du paiement du prix correspondant.
PARADIS DES SAVONS confirmera systématiquement la Commande de chaque CLIENT, puis son expédition par courrier électronique.
Les données personnelles communiquées par le CLIENT sont destinées à PARADIS DES SAVONS.
PARADIS DES SAVONS s’engage à respecter la confidentialité de ces données personnelles et à les traiter dans le respect de la loi Informatique et Libertés.
En application de la loi informatique et libertés du 6 janvier 1978 modifiée, le CLIENT dispose d’un droit d’accès, de modification, de suppression et de rectification des données personnelles le concernant et conservées par PARADIS DES SAVONS.
Le CLIENT pourra exercer les droits susmentionnés en adressant sa demande (en indiquant son adresse de courrier électronique, nom, prénom, et adresse postale), par courrier électronique à l’adresse contact@paradisdessavons.com ou par courrier postal à l’adresse suivante :
Paradis Des Savons, 1, Côte de Rogerville, 76700 Rogerville, France
PARADIS DES SAVONS utilisera ces données pour le traitement de la Commande du CLIENT, ainsi que pour renforcer et personnaliser la communication notamment par les lettres/courriers électroniques d’information, et enfin pour personnaliser son Site Web www.paradis-des-savons.com en fonction des préférences constatées des CLIENTS.
PARADIS DES SAVONS peut également fournir à ses partenaires des statistiques consolidées relatives à ses CLIENTS et les ventes, mais ces statistiques ne contiendront aucune donnée personnelle.
PARADIS DES SAVONS pourra également communiquer les données personnelles des CLIENTS à ses Partenaires pour assurer uniquement la livraison des Produits et ou la réalisation des Prestations.
L’ensemble de ce site relève de la législation internationale sur le droit d’auteur, le droit des marques et, de façon générale, sur la propriété intellectuelle.
La reproduction d’un contenu (textes, graphiques, illustrations) paru sur le site web www.paradis-des-savons.com est conditionnée par l’obligation d’insérer un lien vers le site www.paradis-des-savons.com sur chaque page contenant une reproduction de contenu. Toute reproduction sans autorisation sera passible de poursuite pénale.
Pour toute information ou question, notre service Clientèle est à votre disposition :
- par mail : Cliquez ici pour nous envoyer un message
- par téléphone : 09 83 34 09 46 du lundi au vendredi en préférence dans la matinée
- par courrier : 1, Côte de Rogerville 76700 Rogerville, France
Les présentes Conditions Générales de Vente sont régies par le droit français.
Tout litige relatif à la commande ou aux présentes Conditions Générales de Vente ou de son interprétation ou de ses suites sera soumis au tribunal compétent.
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General conditions for online sales
- Subject
1.1. These general conditions of sale (hereinafter referred to as “General Conditions”) govern online purchases of “Paradis Des Savons” brand products (hereinafter referred to as “Products”) on the www.paradis-des-savons.com e-commerce website (hereinafter referred to as “Website”) by users who fit the definition of “Consumers” in Point 1.2. below (hereinafter “Consumers”).
The Website is the property of Paradis Des Savons., with head offices in 1, Côte de Rogerville, 76700 Rogerville, France, Trade Register number R.C.S. Le Havre N° 750 264 806.
The products on sale on the Website are sold to the Consumer (as defined in Point 1.2 below) by Websolute S.r.l. – with registered offices at 1, Côte de Rogerville, 76700 Rogerville, France.
For any requests for information or other enquiries, or any communication linked to and/or connected with purchase of the Products, including therefore any comments, complaints, requests about purchase and/or delivery of Products, returns and refunds, etc., – please contact the Seller, following the instructions on the Website or using the contact details below:
- by email to: contact@paradis-des-savons.com
- by phone on: +33 983340946
- by post to: 1, Côte de Rogerville, 76700 Rogerville – France
1.2. Products sold on the Website are available for purchase from the Seller only by those aged 18 and over, who fit the legal definition of “Consumers”.
For the purposes of these General Conditions, “Consumer” (hereinafter “Consumer” and, together with the Seller, the “Parties”) means any natural person purchasing the Products on sale on the Website for purposes other than business, sales, artisan or professional activities he or she may carry out, in compliance with Article of French Legislative L.121-20 (Modifié par Loi n°2005-841 du 26 juillet 2005 – art. 3 JORF 27 juillet 2005), (hereinafter referred to as “Consumer Code”).
Customers younger than 18 and those who, for any reason, do not qualify as Consumers are therefore asked to abstain from placing orders for Products and/or entering into sale transactions via the Website, without prejudice to the Seller’s right to not fulfil orders from underage persons or those who do not qualify as Consumers.
1.3. Should one or more sales of Products be made to individuals who do not qualify as Consumers, these General Conditions of sale shall still apply but, notwithstanding their content:
- a) the purchaser shall have no right to returns or refunds as detailed in Point 10;
- b) the Product warranty as indicated in Point 8 and any other legal guarantee shall not apply (unless otherwise enforced by the law itself);
- c) none of the Consumer protection rights shall apply to the purchaser, reflecting or in compliance with binding legislation;
- d) the sales contract between the Seller and the purchaser shall be governed by French Law, with the exclusion of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods, Vienna, 1980;
- e) The outcome of any controversy between the Seller and the purchaser shall be decided in the Le Havre law courts.
1.4. The Owner plays no part in these General Conditions of sale, or in sales contracts between the Seller and the Consumer for the Products governed by these Conditions.
The Owner is, however, the exclusive owner of all the rights to the Website’s name and domain, logos and brands relative to the Products on the Website and also to any other right regarding Website content.
1.5. All purchases of Products by the Consumer on the Website are governed by these General Conditions of sale, in the version published on the Website as and when the Consumer transmits the order to the Seller.
The Seller may modify these General Conditions of sale without notice. Any modifications will come into effect on the date they are published on the Website.
1.6. By transmitting a purchase order for Products via the Website, the Consumer accepts that confirmation of information relative to the order placed and these General Conditions of sale will be sent by email to the same address provided during registration on the Website or during the purchase procedure.
1.7. Any costs incurred for internet connection to the Website shall be borne solely by the Consumer, as shall any telephone charges, according to the Consumer’s standard rates.
- Product characteristics and their availability in different geographic areas
2.1. The Products are sold with the characteristics described on the Website and according to the General Conditions of sale published on the Website as and when the Consumer transmits the order, excluding any other condition or term.
2.2. The Seller reserves the right to modify these General Conditions of sale at any time, at its own discretion, without any obligation to notify Website users. Any modifications applied will be effective from the date of their publication on the Website and will apply solely to sales effected from that date.
2.3. Prices, Products on sale on the Website and/or their characteristics may be subject to changes without notice. Before transmitting a purchase order as defined in Point 3 below, the Consumer is asked to check the final sale price.
2.4. The Website can be accessed from anywhere in the world. However, the Products available on the Website can only be purchased by users requesting delivery to one of the countries indicated on the Website.
- Product purchase methods – Fulfilment of each purchase contract
3.1. Presentation of the Products on the Website is not binding for the Seller and is merely an invitation to the Consumer to enter into a purchase contract with the Seller and not an offer to the public.
3.2. The purchase order sent by the Consumer to the Seller via the Website has the same value as a contract proposal and is governed by these General Conditions of sale, which constitute an integral part of the order itself and which the Consumer, by transmitting the order to the Seller, is obliged to accept fully and unconditionally. Before purchasing Products, by transmitting the purchase order, the Consumer will be asked to carefully read these General Conditions of sale and the information regarding returns and refunds, to print a copy using the print button and to memorise or make a copy for personal use. The Consumer will also be asked to check and correct any errors in the personal details entered.
3.3. The Consumer’s purchase order is accepted by the Seller when the latter sends, to the email address provided by the Consumer when registering on the Website or when transmitting the order if the Consumer has not registered on the Website, an email confirming the order itself, containing a link to these General Conditions of sale, a summary of the order placed and a description of the characteristics of the Product ordered. The Consumer’s order, Seller’s order confirmation and General Conditions of sale applicable to the relationship between the Parties will be electronically stored by the Seller in its computer systems and the Consumer may request a copy by sending an email to the Seller at contact@paradis-des-savons.com.
3.4. Any purchase contract for Products is deemed to be concluded on receipt by the Consumer of the Seller’s order confirmation via email.
- Product selection and purchase procedure
4.1. The Consumer can purchase the Products presented on the Website by selecting Products of interest and placing them in the virtual shopping cart. Once all the Products have been selected, the Consumer will be invited to (i) sign up with the Website, providing the details requested, or (ii) log in, if they are already registered, or (iii) provide their data in order to complete the order and consent fulfilment of the contract. Should the details on the order be different from those given during registration on the Website, the Consumer will be asked to confirm the data given (merely by way of an example, but not limited to: name, surname, etc.), and the delivery address for the selected Products, the invoice address and a non-mandatory phone number for any notifications regarding the purchases made. The Consumer will be shown a summary of the order, and can edit the content. After reading them carefully, the Consumer must expressly approve these General Conditions of sale, ticking the boxes on the Website and finally, on clicking the “Purchase” button, the Consumer will be asked to confirm the order, which will then be sent to the Seller with the consequent effects described in Point 3.2 above. The Consumer will also be asked to choose a delivery method and payment method from those available. Should the Consumer choose immediate payment (at the same time as the purchase) using a credit card, PayPal or immediate bank transfer, relative details will be requested via a protected connection. Due to accounting and administrative requirements, the Seller reserves the right to check the information provided by the Consumer. When payment is made by credit card, the amount will be debited from the card only on transmission of the order confirmation by the Seller to the Consumer.
- Delivery of the goods and acceptance
5.1. The Website shows the availability of the Products and relative delivery times. This information must however be considered purely indicative and not binding for the Seller.
5.2 The Seller undertakes to do everything within its power to respect the delivery times indicated on the Website and, in any case, to deliver the goods within a maximum of 30 (thirty) days from the day after the day when the Consumer transmitted the order. Should the Seller not be able to deliver the order, due to even temporary unavailability of the Product, the Seller will provide the Consumer with written notification and refund any amount already paid by the Consumer for the Product, in compliance with Point 5.3 below 5.3. When the Consumer has chosen to pay by bank transfer, the delivery time will start from receipt of the sum by the Seller.
5.3 The Consumer shall decide the delivery method for the Products ordered, choosing from those available and indicated on the Website when placing the order. The Consumer undertakes to promptly check, as quickly as possible, that the delivery includes all, and only, the products purchased and to notify the Seller of any fault with any product received or non-compliance with the order placed, using the procedure described in Point 8 of these General Conditions of sale, without which the products are considered accepted. Should the packaging or wrapping of the products ordered by the Consumer reach the destination in an evident state of damage, the Consumer is invited to refuse delivery from the courier/deliveryman or to accept delivery “with reserve”.
- Prices, delivery costs, duty and taxes
6.1. The price of the Product is that indicated on the Website as and when the Consumer transmits the order. Prices include standard packaging costs, VAT (when applicable) and any indirect taxes (when applicable) but do not include delivery charges, which are calculated before confirmation of the order sent by the Seller to the Consumer and which the Consumer undertakes to pay the Seller in addition to the price indicated on the Website.
6.2. The Consumer shall pay the Seller the total price as shown on the order and order confirmation email sent by the Seller to the Consumer.
6.3. If the Products are for delivery to a country outside the European Union, the total price given in the order and repeated in the order confirmation, including indirect taxes (where applicable) does not include customs duties or any other sales tax, which the Consumer undertakes as of now to pay, if due, in addition to the price given in the order and confirmed in the order confirmation, in compliance with legislation in the country of destination. The Consumer is invited to contact the competent authorities in his or her country of residence or of destination of the products for information about any applicable customs duties or taxes in that particular country.
6.4. The Consumer shall pay all and any further costs, charges, taxes and/or duties applied by the destination country for whatever reason to any Products ordered on the basis of these General Conditions of sale.
6.5. The Consumer agrees that lack of knowledge of costs, charges, customs duties, taxes and/or other duties as described in Points 6.3. and 6.4. above as and when the order is transmitted to the Seller may not represent cause for termination of this contract and that none of the above costs may be charged to the Seller.
- Payment
7.1. Payment for the Products purchased on the Website shall be made direct.
7.2. Payment can be made by credit card or PayPal, at the conditions described below. The Seller may allow further payment methods, indicating these in the payment section on the Website.
7.3. Should the payment be made using a credit card, the Consumer will be redirected to a protected website and the credit card data will be communicated directly to the bank gateway administrator, the operator dealing with payments on behalf of the Seller. The data will be transmitted in protected mode, using the cryptographic SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) system. These data are not accessible even to the Seller.
7.4. Should the payment be made via bank transfer to the Seller, the Consumer must use the Swift and IBAN codes given in the order confirmation, together with the order number.
7.5. If required to do so by law, the Seller shall promptly send the Consumer an email to the address given by the latter with an electronic copy of the receipt for the purchase made if the Products are for delivery within Italy, or a hard copy of the same attached to the Products purchased in all other cases.
- Legal guarantee of conformity, reporting non-compliance faults and intervention under warranty
8.1. Pursuant to and in accordance with European Directive 44/99/CE and French Legislative L.121-20 (Modifié par Loi n°2005-841 du 26 juillet 2005 – art. 3 JORF 27 juillet 2005) (Consumer Code), the Seller guarantees the Consumer that the Products are without design or material defects and that the same comply with the descriptions published on the Website.
8.2. The Consumer is obliged to report any defects and non-compliances no later than 14 (forteen) days from their discovery and failure to do so shall render this guarantee null and void. Any anomalies must be notified using the online request form in the reserved access area, giving details of the defect and/or non-compliance, together with relative proof (at least a photo of the Product), the order confirmation sent by the Seller and/or the receipt or, after 14 days from receipt of the goods, on the relative form, correctly filled out and transmitted to the Seller’s Client Service via email to contact@paradis-des-savons.com.
8.3. Following receipt of this request and relative proof, the Seller shall evaluate the defects and non-compliances notified by the Consumer. After quality checks to ascertain the effective non-compliance of the Product, the Seller shall decide whether to authorise return of the Product/s. Authorisation to return the Product/s in no way represents recognition of defects or non-compliances, whose existence shall be ascertained after receipt of the goods by the Seller. The Product/s authorised for return by the Seller must be returned by the Consumer, together with a copy of the relative authorisation bearing the “Returns code” within 30 (thirty) days from notification of the defect or non-compliance, to the following address: 1, Côte de Rogerville 76700 Rogerville – France.
8.4. Should the Seller have to refund the amount paid to the Consumer, this refund shall be made using the bank transfer. The Consumer must notify the Seller, when requesting to return the goods or via email to contact@paradis-des-savons.com, of the bank details necessary for the transfer in order for the Seller to refund the amount due.
- Liability for damage caused by faulty product/s
9.1. For any damage caused by defectiveness of the Products, the provisions referred to in European Directive 85/374/EEC and French Legislative L.121-20 (Modifié par Loi n°2005-841 du 26 juillet 2005 – art. 3 JORF 27 juillet 2005) (Consumer Code) shall apply. The Seller, as distributor of the products via the Website, accepts no liability, with no exclusions and/or exceptions, by giving the name of the relative Product manufacturer.
- Right to cancellation – Information
10.1. The Consumer has the right to cancel any contract agreed on in compliance with these General Conditions of sale, without incurring any penalty, within 7 (seven) days from (i) delivery of the Product or (ii) in the case of several Products delivered separately in a single order, from delivery of the last Product.
10.2. To exercise this right to cancellation, the Consumer must notify this decision to Paradis Des Savons, before the deadline referred to in Point 10.1 above, by sending an email to this effect to contact@paradis-des-savons.com, using the facsimile order cancellation form attached.
10.3. Following the action described in Point 10.2 above, the Consumer shall receive email confirmation of this right to cancellation, with a Returns code. The Consumer has 7 (seven) days to transfer the Returns code to the form mentioned in Point 10.2 above and return the Products to Paradis Des Savons, together with the form mentioned in Point 10.2 above, filled out and complete with the Returns code, at the following address: Paradis Des Savons 1, Côte de Rogerville 76700 Rogerville– France
10.4. If the Consumer has already received the Product, this must be returned to Paradis Des Savons as soon as possible and, in any case, within 7 (seven) days from the cancellation date. The term is respected when the goods are sent back before the 7 (seven) day deadline. Risks and direct costs for returning the goods shall be borne by the Consumer.
10.5. In the event of cancellation by the Consumer, he or she will be refunded the payments made, including delivery charges (with the exception of any additional costs due to selection of a different kind of delivery from the least expensive standard delivery available), without undue delay and, in any case, no later than 7 (seven) days from cancellation of the order. These refunds shall be made using the same payment method used by the Consumer for the initial transaction, unless the Consumer requests a refund using a different means, in which case any additional costs deriving from this different payment method chosen shall be borne by the Consumer. The refund may be suspended until the goods are received or until proof is provided by the Consumer of despatch of the goods, should this occur first.
10.6. The Consumer is responsible for the decreased value of the goods resulting from any handling other than that necessary to establish the nature, characteristics and functioning of the goods. Therefore, should the returned goods prove to be damaged (e.g. with signs of use, abrasion, scratches, chips, deformation, etc.), with parts or accessories missing (this also refers to labels and tags, which must be unaltered and attached to the Product), without relative instructions/notes/manuals, original packaging and wrapping or warranty certificate where applicable, the Consumer shall be responsible for the decreased value of the goods and shall be entitled to a refund of the residual value of the Product. To this end, therefore, the Consumer is invited to not handle the goods more than is strictly necessary for establishing the nature, the characteristics and the functioning of the same and to cover the original wrapping of the Products with further protective packaging to preserve and protect during transport, also from writing or labels.
- Intellectual property rights
11.1. The Consumer declares that he or she is informed that all the brands, names and any other distinctive mark, denomination, image, photo, writing or graphics used on the Website or relative to the Products are and remain the exclusive property of the Owner, without access to the Website and/or purchase of the Products entitling the Consumer to any right to the same.
11.2. The content of this Website may not be reproduced, wholly or in part, transferred either electronically or conventionally, modified or used for any purpose without prior written consent from the Owner.
- Consumer data and privacy
12.1. For registration, despatch of the order and therefore fulfilment of this contract, the Website asks the Consumer to provide various personal data. The Consumer is aware that the personal data provided will be registered and used by the Seller and the Owner, in compliance with French Legislative Decree no. 121/20 Privacy Code, as amended, for fulfilling each order placed via the Website and, subject to the Consumer’s consent, for any other activity as detailed in the relative privacy notes provided for the Consumer on the Website on registration.
12.2. The Consumer declares and guarantees that all data provided to the Seller during registration and purchase are correct and truthful.
12.3. The Consumer may at any moment update and/or modify personal details provided to the Seller in the specific “My Account” section of the Website, accessible after log in.
12.4. For any further information regarding processing of Consumers’ personal data, please see the Privacy Policy section and carefully read the General Conditions of Use.
- Security
13.1. The Seller adopts measures to protect personal data from loss, falsification, manipulation and improper use by third parties. Nevertheless, due to the technical characteristics and limitations regarding protection of electronic communications via internet, the Seller cannot guarantee that the information or the data viewed by the Consumer on the Website, even after the Consumer has logged in are not accessible or cannot be viewed by unauthorised third parties.
13.2. With regard to data concerning credit card payments, the Seller, avails of services provided by banks, which adopt technological systems to guarantee maximum levels of reliability, security, protection and privacy in the transmission of information on line.
- Applicable law, attempt at mediation and place of jurisdiction
14.1. These General Conditions of sale and any sales contract agreed between the Seller and Consumers in compliance with these General Conditions of sale shall be governed by and construed in accordance with Italian laws and, in particular, by French Legislative of 27 july 2005 on the Consumer Code. In any case, this will not prejudice any rights attributed to Consumers by binding legislative provisions in force in the country of the latter.[:][:en]The is the property of the company Paradis Des Savons in its totality, as welle as the whole of the rights y related.
General conditions for online sales
- Subject
1.1. These general conditions of sale (hereinafter referred to as “General Conditions”) govern online purchases of “Paradis Des Savons” brand products (hereinafter referred to as “Products”) on the www.paradis-des-savons.com e-commerce website (hereinafter referred to as “Website”) by users who fit the definition of “Consumers” in Point 1.2. below (hereinafter “Consumers”).
The Website is the property of Paradis Des Savons., with head offices in 1, Côte de Rogerville, 76700 Rogerville, France, Trade Register number R.C.S. Le Havre N° 750 264 806.
The products on sale on the Website are sold to the Consumer (as defined in Point 1.2 below) by Websolute S.r.l. – with registered offices at 1, Côte de Rogerville, 76700 Rogerville, France.
For any requests for information or other enquiries, or any communication linked to and/or connected with purchase of the Products, including therefore any comments, complaints, requests about purchase and/or delivery of Products, returns and refunds, etc., – please contact the Seller, following the instructions on the Website or using the contact details below:
- by email to: contact@paradis-des-savons.com
- by phone on: +33 983340946
- by post to: 1, Côte de Rogerville, 76700 Rogerville – France
1.2. Products sold on the Website are available for purchase from the Seller only by those aged 18 and over, who fit the legal definition of “Consumers”.
For the purposes of these General Conditions, “Consumer” (hereinafter “Consumer” and, together with the Seller, the “Parties”) means any natural person purchasing the Products on sale on the Website for purposes other than business, sales, artisan or professional activities he or she may carry out, in compliance with Article of French Legislative L.121-20 (Modifié par Loi n°2005-841 du 26 juillet 2005 – art. 3 JORF 27 juillet 2005), (hereinafter referred to as “Consumer Code”).
Customers younger than 18 and those who, for any reason, do not qualify as Consumers are therefore asked to abstain from placing orders for Products and/or entering into sale transactions via the Website, without prejudice to the Seller’s right to not fulfil orders from underage persons or those who do not qualify as Consumers.
1.3. Should one or more sales of Products be made to individuals who do not qualify as Consumers, these General Conditions of sale shall still apply but, notwithstanding their content:
- a) the purchaser shall have no right to returns or refunds as detailed in Point 10;
- b) the Product warranty as indicated in Point 8 and any other legal guarantee shall not apply (unless otherwise enforced by the law itself);
- c) none of the Consumer protection rights shall apply to the purchaser, reflecting or in compliance with binding legislation;
- d) the sales contract between the Seller and the purchaser shall be governed by French Law, with the exclusion of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods, Vienna, 1980;
- e) The outcome of any controversy between the Seller and the purchaser shall be decided in the Le Havre law courts.
1.4. The Owner plays no part in these General Conditions of sale, or in sales contracts between the Seller and the Consumer for the Products governed by these Conditions.
The Owner is, however, the exclusive owner of all the rights to the Website’s name and domain, logos and brands relative to the Products on the Website and also to any other right regarding Website content.
1.5. All purchases of Products by the Consumer on the Website are governed by these General Conditions of sale, in the version published on the Website as and when the Consumer transmits the order to the Seller.
The Seller may modify these General Conditions of sale without notice. Any modifications will come into effect on the date they are published on the Website.
1.6. By transmitting a purchase order for Products via the Website, the Consumer accepts that confirmation of information relative to the order placed and these General Conditions of sale will be sent by email to the same address provided during registration on the Website or during the purchase procedure.
1.7. Any costs incurred for internet connection to the Website shall be borne solely by the Consumer, as shall any telephone charges, according to the Consumer’s standard rates.
- Product characteristics and their availability in different geographic areas
2.1. The Products are sold with the characteristics described on the Website and according to the General Conditions of sale published on the Website as and when the Consumer transmits the order, excluding any other condition or term.
2.2. The Seller reserves the right to modify these General Conditions of sale at any time, at its own discretion, without any obligation to notify Website users. Any modifications applied will be effective from the date of their publication on the Website and will apply solely to sales effected from that date.
2.3. Prices, Products on sale on the Website and/or their characteristics may be subject to changes without notice. Before transmitting a purchase order as defined in Point 3 below, the Consumer is asked to check the final sale price.
2.4. The Website can be accessed from anywhere in the world. However, the Products available on the Website can only be purchased by users requesting delivery to one of the countries indicated on the Website.
- Product purchase methods – Fulfilment of each purchase contract
3.1. Presentation of the Products on the Website is not binding for the Seller and is merely an invitation to the Consumer to enter into a purchase contract with the Seller and not an offer to the public.
3.2. The purchase order sent by the Consumer to the Seller via the Website has the same value as a contract proposal and is governed by these General Conditions of sale, which constitute an integral part of the order itself and which the Consumer, by transmitting the order to the Seller, is obliged to accept fully and unconditionally. Before purchasing Products, by transmitting the purchase order, the Consumer will be asked to carefully read these General Conditions of sale and the information regarding returns and refunds, to print a copy using the print button and to memorise or make a copy for personal use. The Consumer will also be asked to check and correct any errors in the personal details entered.
3.3. The Consumer’s purchase order is accepted by the Seller when the latter sends, to the email address provided by the Consumer when registering on the Website or when transmitting the order if the Consumer has not registered on the Website, an email confirming the order itself, containing a link to these General Conditions of sale, a summary of the order placed and a description of the characteristics of the Product ordered. The Consumer’s order, Seller’s order confirmation and General Conditions of sale applicable to the relationship between the Parties will be electronically stored by the Seller in its computer systems and the Consumer may request a copy by sending an email to the Seller at contact@paradis-des-savons.com.
3.4. Any purchase contract for Products is deemed to be concluded on receipt by the Consumer of the Seller’s order confirmation via email.
- Product selection and purchase procedure
4.1. The Consumer can purchase the Products presented on the Website by selecting Products of interest and placing them in the virtual shopping cart. Once all the Products have been selected, the Consumer will be invited to (i) sign up with the Website, providing the details requested, or (ii) log in, if they are already registered, or (iii) provide their data in order to complete the order and consent fulfilment of the contract. Should the details on the order be different from those given during registration on the Website, the Consumer will be asked to confirm the data given (merely by way of an example, but not limited to: name, surname, etc.), and the delivery address for the selected Products, the invoice address and a non-mandatory phone number for any notifications regarding the purchases made. The Consumer will be shown a summary of the order, and can edit the content. After reading them carefully, the Consumer must expressly approve these General Conditions of sale, ticking the boxes on the Website and finally, on clicking the “Purchase” button, the Consumer will be asked to confirm the order, which will then be sent to the Seller with the consequent effects described in Point 3.2 above. The Consumer will also be asked to choose a delivery method and payment method from those available. Should the Consumer choose immediate payment (at the same time as the purchase) using a credit card, PayPal or immediate bank transfer, relative details will be requested via a protected connection. Due to accounting and administrative requirements, the Seller reserves the right to check the information provided by the Consumer. When payment is made by credit card, the amount will be debited from the card only on transmission of the order confirmation by the Seller to the Consumer.
- Delivery of the goods and acceptance
5.1. The Website shows the availability of the Products and relative delivery times. This information must however be considered purely indicative and not binding for the Seller.
5.2 The Seller undertakes to do everything within its power to respect the delivery times indicated on the Website and, in any case, to deliver the goods within a maximum of 30 (thirty) days from the day after the day when the Consumer transmitted the order. Should the Seller not be able to deliver the order, due to even temporary unavailability of the Product, the Seller will provide the Consumer with written notification and refund any amount already paid by the Consumer for the Product, in compliance with Point 5.3 below 5.3. When the Consumer has chosen to pay by bank transfer, the delivery time will start from receipt of the sum by the Seller.
5.3 The Consumer shall decide the delivery method for the Products ordered, choosing from those available and indicated on the Website when placing the order. The Consumer undertakes to promptly check, as quickly as possible, that the delivery includes all, and only, the products purchased and to notify the Seller of any fault with any product received or non-compliance with the order placed, using the procedure described in Point 8 of these General Conditions of sale, without which the products are considered accepted. Should the packaging or wrapping of the products ordered by the Consumer reach the destination in an evident state of damage, the Consumer is invited to refuse delivery from the courier/deliveryman or to accept delivery “with reserve”.
- Prices, delivery costs, duty and taxes
6.1. The price of the Product is that indicated on the Website as and when the Consumer transmits the order. Prices include standard packaging costs, VAT (when applicable) and any indirect taxes (when applicable) but do not include delivery charges, which are calculated before confirmation of the order sent by the Seller to the Consumer and which the Consumer undertakes to pay the Seller in addition to the price indicated on the Website.
6.2. The Consumer shall pay the Seller the total price as shown on the order and order confirmation email sent by the Seller to the Consumer.
6.3. If the Products are for delivery to a country outside the European Union, the total price given in the order and repeated in the order confirmation, including indirect taxes (where applicable) does not include customs duties or any other sales tax, which the Consumer undertakes as of now to pay, if due, in addition to the price given in the order and confirmed in the order confirmation, in compliance with legislation in the country of destination. The Consumer is invited to contact the competent authorities in his or her country of residence or of destination of the products for information about any applicable customs duties or taxes in that particular country.
6.4. The Consumer shall pay all and any further costs, charges, taxes and/or duties applied by the destination country for whatever reason to any Products ordered on the basis of these General Conditions of sale.
6.5. The Consumer agrees that lack of knowledge of costs, charges, customs duties, taxes and/or other duties as described in Points 6.3. and 6.4. above as and when the order is transmitted to the Seller may not represent cause for termination of this contract and that none of the above costs may be charged to the Seller.
- Payment
7.1. Payment for the Products purchased on the Website shall be made direct.
7.2. Payment can be made by credit card or PayPal, at the conditions described below. The Seller may allow further payment methods, indicating these in the payment section on the Website.
7.3. Should the payment be made using a credit card, the Consumer will be redirected to a protected website and the credit card data will be communicated directly to the bank gateway administrator, the operator dealing with payments on behalf of the Seller. The data will be transmitted in protected mode, using the cryptographic SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) system. These data are not accessible even to the Seller.
7.4. Should the payment be made via bank transfer to the Seller, the Consumer must use the Swift and IBAN codes given in the order confirmation, together with the order number.
7.5. If required to do so by law, the Seller shall promptly send the Consumer an email to the address given by the latter with an electronic copy of the receipt for the purchase made if the Products are for delivery within Italy, or a hard copy of the same attached to the Products purchased in all other cases.
- Legal guarantee of conformity, reporting non-compliance faults and intervention under warranty
8.1. Pursuant to and in accordance with European Directive 44/99/CE and French Legislative L.121-20 (Modifié par Loi n°2005-841 du 26 juillet 2005 – art. 3 JORF 27 juillet 2005) (Consumer Code), the Seller guarantees the Consumer that the Products are without design or material defects and that the same comply with the descriptions published on the Website.
8.2. The Consumer is obliged to report any defects and non-compliances no later than 14 (forteen) days from their discovery and failure to do so shall render this guarantee null and void. Any anomalies must be notified using the online request form in the reserved access area, giving details of the defect and/or non-compliance, together with relative proof (at least a photo of the Product), the order confirmation sent by the Seller and/or the receipt or, after 14 days from receipt of the goods, on the relative form, correctly filled out and transmitted to the Seller’s Client Service via email to contact@paradis-des-savons.com.
8.3. Following receipt of this request and relative proof, the Seller shall evaluate the defects and non-compliances notified by the Consumer. After quality checks to ascertain the effective non-compliance of the Product, the Seller shall decide whether to authorise return of the Product/s. Authorisation to return the Product/s in no way represents recognition of defects or non-compliances, whose existence shall be ascertained after receipt of the goods by the Seller. The Product/s authorised for return by the Seller must be returned by the Consumer, together with a copy of the relative authorisation bearing the “Returns code” within 30 (thirty) days from notification of the defect or non-compliance, to the following address: 1, Côte de Rogerville 76700 Rogerville – France.
8.4. Should the Seller have to refund the amount paid to the Consumer, this refund shall be made using the bank transfer. The Consumer must notify the Seller, when requesting to return the goods or via email to contact@paradis-des-savons.com, of the bank details necessary for the transfer in order for the Seller to refund the amount due.
- Liability for damage caused by faulty product/s
9.1. For any damage caused by defectiveness of the Products, the provisions referred to in European Directive 85/374/EEC and French Legislative L.121-20 (Modifié par Loi n°2005-841 du 26 juillet 2005 – art. 3 JORF 27 juillet 2005) (Consumer Code) shall apply. The Seller, as distributor of the products via the Website, accepts no liability, with no exclusions and/or exceptions, by giving the name of the relative Product manufacturer.
- Right to cancellation – Information
10.1. The Consumer has the right to cancel any contract agreed on in compliance with these General Conditions of sale, without incurring any penalty, within 7 (seven) days from (i) delivery of the Product or (ii) in the case of several Products delivered separately in a single order, from delivery of the last Product.
10.2. To exercise this right to cancellation, the Consumer must notify this decision to Paradis Des Savons, before the deadline referred to in Point 10.1 above, by sending an email to this effect to contact@paradis-des-savons.com, using the facsimile order cancellation form attached.
10.3. Following the action described in Point 10.2 above, the Consumer shall receive email confirmation of this right to cancellation, with a Returns code. The Consumer has 7 (seven) days to transfer the Returns code to the form mentioned in Point 10.2 above and return the Products to Paradis Des Savons, together with the form mentioned in Point 10.2 above, filled out and complete with the Returns code, at the following address: Paradis Des Savons 1, Côte de Rogerville 76700 Rogerville– France
10.4. If the Consumer has already received the Product, this must be returned to Paradis Des Savons as soon as possible and, in any case, within 7 (seven) days from the cancellation date. The term is respected when the goods are sent back before the 7 (seven) day deadline. Risks and direct costs for returning the goods shall be borne by the Consumer.
10.5. In the event of cancellation by the Consumer, he or she will be refunded the payments made, including delivery charges (with the exception of any additional costs due to selection of a different kind of delivery from the least expensive standard delivery available), without undue delay and, in any case, no later than 7 (seven) days from cancellation of the order. These refunds shall be made using the same payment method used by the Consumer for the initial transaction, unless the Consumer requests a refund using a different means, in which case any additional costs deriving from this different payment method chosen shall be borne by the Consumer. The refund may be suspended until the goods are received or until proof is provided by the Consumer of despatch of the goods, should this occur first.
10.6. The Consumer is responsible for the decreased value of the goods resulting from any handling other than that necessary to establish the nature, characteristics and functioning of the goods. Therefore, should the returned goods prove to be damaged (e.g. with signs of use, abrasion, scratches, chips, deformation, etc.), with parts or accessories missing (this also refers to labels and tags, which must be unaltered and attached to the Product), without relative instructions/notes/manuals, original packaging and wrapping or warranty certificate where applicable, the Consumer shall be responsible for the decreased value of the goods and shall be entitled to a refund of the residual value of the Product. To this end, therefore, the Consumer is invited to not handle the goods more than is strictly necessary for establishing the nature, the characteristics and the functioning of the same and to cover the original wrapping of the Products with further protective packaging to preserve and protect during transport, also from writing or labels.
- Intellectual property rights
11.1. The Consumer declares that he or she is informed that all the brands, names and any other distinctive mark, denomination, image, photo, writing or graphics used on the Website or relative to the Products are and remain the exclusive property of the Owner, without access to the Website and/or purchase of the Products entitling the Consumer to any right to the same.
11.2. The content of this Website may not be reproduced, wholly or in part, transferred either electronically or conventionally, modified or used for any purpose without prior written consent from the Owner.
- Consumer data and privacy
12.1. For registration, despatch of the order and therefore fulfilment of this contract, the Website asks the Consumer to provide various personal data. The Consumer is aware that the personal data provided will be registered and used by the Seller and the Owner, in compliance with French Legislative Decree no. 121/20 Privacy Code, as amended, for fulfilling each order placed via the Website and, subject to the Consumer’s consent, for any other activity as detailed in the relative privacy notes provided for the Consumer on the Website on registration.
12.2. The Consumer declares and guarantees that all data provided to the Seller during registration and purchase are correct and truthful.
12.3. The Consumer may at any moment update and/or modify personal details provided to the Seller in the specific “My Account” section of the Website, accessible after log in.
12.4. For any further information regarding processing of Consumers’ personal data, please see the Privacy Policy section and carefully read the General Conditions of Use.
- Security
13.1. The Seller adopts measures to protect personal data from loss, falsification, manipulation and improper use by third parties. Nevertheless, due to the technical characteristics and limitations regarding protection of electronic communications via internet, the Seller cannot guarantee that the information or the data viewed by the Consumer on the Website, even after the Consumer has logged in are not accessible or cannot be viewed by unauthorised third parties.
13.2. With regard to data concerning credit card payments, the Seller, avails of services provided by banks, which adopt technological systems to guarantee maximum levels of reliability, security, protection and privacy in the transmission of information on line.
- Applicable law, attempt at mediation and place of jurisdiction
14.1. These General Conditions of sale and any sales contract agreed between the Seller and Consumers in compliance with these General Conditions of sale shall be governed by and construed in accordance with Italian laws and, in particular, by French Legislative of 27 july 2005 on the Consumer Code. In any case, this will not prejudice any rights attributed to Consumers by binding legislative provisions in force in the country of the latter.[:]